Friday, August 26, 2011

Old Fashioned Skateboards - Problems of friction, low speed, weight control and

!±8± Old Fashioned Skateboards - Problems of friction, low speed, weight control and

In fact, we can only imagine how difficult it is to drive the old-fashioned early contraptions were skateboarding. Perhaps you tried to ride like a machine? Personally, I remember as a child with old truck bought from an old skate at the flea market and attachment to a table and rolled up a long driveway.

Of course, seven years, you're not an engineer of all that is being built or designed, as usual perfected through trial and error or crash and. Burning I still remember what happened to walk along the driveway. I started high-speed oscillation and it was getting worse and worse and finally downloaded it all down on the driveway and fell. A-I have just returned discouraged at the beginning of the driveway to try again and again.

What's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? The results were pretty easy to see on the elbows and hands. Back to adaptthe truck and the use of large nails, screws, and because I did not steal a bit 'of tape from the garage. Engineering in action?

You can imagine how excited I was coming to my first skate with the wheels of plastic urethane. Of course, the other children laughed with more high-tech skateboard that has been completely customized by me, but you have to start somewhere and had to start with plastic panels. Where do you think I do the old trucks and wheels on my drivewayExperiments?

One of them, I have sold at garage sale of his family. You see the problem was not that the wheels of trucks or were of poor quality, have been working on plastic skateboard old order, but not so well on a table much longer, maybe that was five times the weight.

Finally, I discovered immediately that I had to tighten up the truck and pay special attention to my relationship, and that helped a bit, 'until the shaking started. So I can easily imagine what problemsthe children had at the beginning of 1905-1950 with their skateboarding equipment.

Old Fashioned Skateboards - Problems of friction, low speed, weight control and

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Measurement of table tennis tips

!±8± Measurement of table tennis tips

I recently spent some time with my husband to play table tennis in the garage after work. I am new to table tennis, so it's a steep learning curve. And although many of my attention back to the ball and land on the table, rather than inclination might have been in the direction of the rack in the instrument or pipe, I can not think of it as something similar was the experience in any kind of performance increase the economy. In fact, here are six tips thatLearn ping-pong (or try something new) can teach us something about the performance improvements:

Tip 1: Be absolutely clear what you want.

If you start with something new, with the aim of better now, not what I call a realistic goal. So rather than put my immediate vision of beating up my husband at the end of our first game of table tennis, my goal was more modest on the ball and returned only after the country, where should I go there. With such aclear goal in front of you, it is much easier to reach a logical step after another. (I know exactly what your eyes see and what to look for.)

Tip # 2: If you are not good at it still expect high variability in your performance.

With a little 'skill or knowledge of ping-pong, I could just wait a bit' more control where I have the ball, and with little control, I could only expect the predictability have little in my results - I wanted the distance between theBall landed and where the ball landed fluctuated wildly and randomly. Understanding (and measure) the variability of the baseline - to understand this natural variability, before trying to improve things.

Tip # 3: To really improve, change one thing at a time.

Simple as table tennis is, there were many things that I changed for a better result could prove. As I held the paddle, as I placed my feet as I moved my wrist, I like the ball hard,exactly as I read the essay about my husband put on the ball (in his wicked attempts, my hand still unpredictable). I found the most improved (very satisfied) if I do it on one thing better, how to hold the paddle in a coherent and thought at the right angle. The improvement is so much faster when you read down the development time. Try to find out the complex interactions between changes at the same time is confusing, stressful and often takesto get more results.

Tip No. 4: The performance will likely be worse to start immediately after the improvement of something.

The moment I became more aware of how I was holding the paddle tennis, everything worse. The ball seemed to be a will of its own for the next 10 or 15 goals to grow. Yes, there was more land, where to do it, but it would be too unpredictable to ping the darkest. It did not take much to get a feel for the new grip the racket, and - theAnd here - the ball has started, especially what I wanted. I had more control! Any type of performance can be a 'bed in' time, but then it is better to grow almost in an instant.

Tip 5: keep focused - if you take your mind, you lose control again.

Pumped from my quick success in bossing the table tennis ball around, I thought I could let go and relax a little in the game '. Big mistake. A fast and furious around a few of my dear husband made PaddleI quickly realized that was not a table tennis bat second nature. The ping-pong "pertwanged 'out of my control and was the sole mercy of my husband. So remember, if you change your mind off an improvement before it becomes second nature, you may lose control again and more variability again.

Tip 6: Get feedback regularly, and do not get me wrong.

"You will meet again!" My husband was like a broken record sounds (now there's a metaphorwhich is losing importance!). So once again I raised my swing to correct error. "You will meet again!" (It 'a very patient person.) What? Then I asked him what he meant and it turned out that his idea was to beat my paddle down the wrong angle, but I interpreted it to say, my swing was in a wrong angle. Assumptions! To ensure that the track changes quite often on the improvement that you can fix things if they go badly - but make sure you know what theFeedback says.

Measurement of table tennis tips

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